이 링커는 모든 iOS 바이너리와 'Mergeable Libraries'기능을 사용하는 모든 사용자에게 기본값으로 제공됨.
(클래식 링커는 여전히 -ld64를 사용하여 명시적으로 요청할 수 있으며, 향후 릴리스에서 제거될 예정)
Build Settings → Other Linker Flags → add -ld64
Xcode 15 beta includes a new linker, known as ld_prime. This has a bunch of benefits, not least being the support for mergeable libraries, per WWDC 2023 Session 10268 Meet mergeable libraries. However, any time you rewrite something that complex you inevitably run into the odd issue. Normally I’d suggest you file a bug about this, but we already have a bug report about this one (r. 110340167). In the meantime, you should be able to work around it by reverting to the old linker. The linker has two options, -ld64 and -ld_prime, that override its default algorithm for choosing a back end. Thanks for taking the time to test with Xcode 15 beta!